How to download black and white 2 on pc

Or, as we found out in the early map open to us, build walls around your villages in non-gridbased patterns'. Yes, for years we've wished construction games would ditch their dependency on keeping everything rectilinear fashion and finally we've got it. There were also Rome: Total War -style troop movements and setups albeit on a slightly smaller scale , all giving the impression that fans of mass slaughter are well catered for.

We only had access to a small amount of the total game, and the whole thing is still being tweaked and polished and, well, considering the various bugs we encountered, fixed.

So hopefully your hand-of-god mouse pointer will be that little bit more responsive, the villagers won't all be sharing the same dozen or so names and that tutorial sequence will have a skip function. Oh, and it'll be the best god game ever.

That'd be good too. Slapping giant apes might not have been everyone's idea of fun. It was probably one of the buggiest too. When it does though, it will likely blast a hole in the asphalt and send pieces of pavement flying in all directions.

That's how big it's gonna be. Graphic-hounds can look forward to some sublime engine changes, allowing a much more realistic world environment and impressive amounts of detail. The main change is that it's going to be much more bellicose, with whole civilisations at war.

You're still a god though, and along with the decision of being good working towards peace as you build up a legendary society or bad wiping out all other forms of life as you struggle for violent supremacy , you can become involved in the war personally, through spells or via your creature.

Add technological advances and side-stories and you have the ultimate god game. Despite bugs, controversy and heated debate. Like no other game, it put your own morality at the heart of the experience, not to mention boasting some of the most innovative game design ever seen. Responding to criticisms of the first title, the sequel is set to be a far more complete affair, though once again the focus is on your King Kong-sized creatures.

They're far more intelligent, meaning they can be key in the overall game strategy, but they're easier to train. These brainier beasts are also key to the increased tactics available to you during battles. If you're in defensive mode, your aim is to repel your attackers from your city, so you need to use your creature to repair any damage to your ramparts. If you're attacking, your beast will lead your armies, which are organised by joining small units into bigger formations.

These can then be split into two parts, with you leading one half, and your creature the other, so you can overcome the opposition with a pincer movement.

Clearly there's a stupendous game in the making here - keep an eye on our monthly Lionhead Diaries' for more updates. The creature's technology employs such things as hair that gets burnt or wet. If you're evil, then the very ground around you will crack open and grow thorns, while flowers, grass and trees will wither and die.

But if you're good, then flowers spring up, trees blossom and life seems to spring from every nook and cranny," comes Ron's reply. Oh no, not by a long shot. This is particularly true now the team has decided to do away with the game's multiplayer options though Ron hopes online options will be added further down the line , in order to concentrate on making the singleplayer game as deep, compelling and entertaining as possible.

The armies are being developed to capture the sort of combat and force of impact that you'd expect to see in a major Hollywood film, promises Ron. And then there's your creature, which is promising to be infinitely more useful than it was in the first game, as well as much easier to understand and influence. Your creature is essentially your friend and ally that you teach and nurture or beat and abuse in order to have him do your bidding,'' explains Ron. If you're a good god and a city builder, he helps you out, defends your city and entertains your villagers.

If you're an evil god and a warmonger, the creature acts as your most powerful unit, leading armies into battle. Play as a more neutral god and the creature does a bit of both. He would go to the toilet on a field and by the time you'd congratulated or punished him, he'd done something else like eaten a villager. Now there's a creature 'mind interface' that enables you to go back into the recent past and, using a simple drag-and-drop interface, tell him what you think is good or bad,'' says Ron.

And as if all of that wasn't enough, you'll also be able to tell what your creature is thinking and feeling thanks to some still under-wraps innovations that enables you to quickly and easily discover exactly what mood your creature's in. Ron was sadly unable to tell us much about all of the game's other innovations, except that the control interface is set to be far more streamlined and intuitive than before, meaning you can learn how to play the whole game simply from the feedback you receive while playing.

Sounds intriguing. The downside of all this innovating though, is that it looks like we're still going tn have to wait a fair while for the finished product. However, even if only half of these innovations are successfully implemented in the final reckoning, then waiting is something we're more than happy to do. And as if you couldn't have guessed, these are being revamped too. We're redesigning the spells in order to make them more unique and useful, especially in combination with themselves and other elements of the game, explains Ron.

Even casting methods are being looked at What I'd like to achieve is having each spell cast in three different ways. Take a fireball for example: you can throw it, pour it like molten lava or spray it, flamethrower-style. You can imagine how that might apply to lightning. We sure can Ron, and we like what we're imagining. Don't you just hate them? You spend three years working yourself up into a wet-panted stupor about the prospect of your favourite game building on its success, exploring new avenues and throwing up new cerebral challenges to your game-addled brain, and what do you get?

I'll tell you what. The same bloody game, that's what. Same engine only with 1. If you're lucky. Unless that is, your sequel is being made by one of the greatest names in PC gaming history, Peter Molyneux. His exploits are legendary, including rumours that he is capable of programming two hit games - one with either hand - at the same time. And given his near-impeccable track record, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. If you're not excited about this game by the time you reach the end of this preview, then you're dead from the neck up.

The day began with an informal boardroom-based chat, a welcome haven from the bitter chill which had made a mockery of our winter clothes with merciless ferocity. Doing a sequel is great as you can throw away all the ideas which you think you'd done a poor job on the first time round, and really expand on all the things which were compulsive and exciting about it.

What it came down to was throwing away some things and enhancing other things massively. We've actually ended up having to re-write practically all of the game. Being able to accept the faults of a creative process that you've become so closely associated with is a sign of true character and artistic maturity, something Peter clearly has silos of.

In his concern to rectify this failing, he's created a whole new set of spells see the Spellcraft panel. A problem which is being addressed in a number of innovative ways. First off, story. Every tribe is fighting. Now there are all these wars going on, and you may think, That's just awful, why can't there be peace, love and harmony in the world?

So you may just want to spread peace everywhere. On the other hand you may think, Yes, this is the world I want. I want to go out and lead the biggest and most destructive army the world has ever seen.

I want to destroy rape, pillage and conquer every part of the world. The final choice is to find a balance somewhere between the two. So the focus of the game is whether you are going to be a god that likes to nurture and protect, or the sort of player whose only aim is to get as many people into your army as possible. But what of the problem of identifying which path - good or evil -you're travelling down. Fear not, Peter's on the case.

Every living thing, from the sky to the sea, will change to reflect the type of god that you are. So if you're evil, you'll start to notice that the trees won't have blossoms on them.

Instead they'll be all scary and spikey. Even your villagers will walk and socialise differently. Everywhere your creature walks they'll either leave flowers or vines depending on whether they're good or evil. And as if to prove it to me, Peter beckoned me towards the room's double doors. They swung smoothly open, revealing a room teeming with people, faces masks of concentration as they worked on the virtual jigsaw pieces they'd been assigned to compile for Peter's grand vision.

And as Peter loaded up a creature, a giant ape, hair soft and flowing, I saw for myself the beauty of the new engine, the fluidity of the animation, augmented by effects so real, it was hard not to feel as though they were nature itself. As the ape lumbered from side to side, flowers sprang up where its feet had been mere seconds before.

In a word, it was breathtaking. The monkey ambled for a while, passing rolling hillsides and majestic forests, until it reached a city wall, shoulder high to the titan primate. Salome May 4, Reply. Ted March 22, Reply. Thank you so much!

It worked great for me. This is a fun game to play while social distancing. Francesco October 29, Reply. Thorbjorn October 3, Reply. Redrebel December 13, Reply. Lessa March 28, Reply. Gevouden March 1, Reply. Battle of the gods works fine with this no cd. Fred February 26, Reply. Louis January 26, Reply. Rhiannon December 27, Reply. Sjamie April 16, Reply. Same problem here… did you managed to get it fixed somehow by now?

Ranui October 12, Reply. George September 18, Reply. Are you having issues with nobody ageing too? Grizzo84 September 15, Reply. Toby September 13, Reply. Nightmare September 10, Reply. I Have a Question I Did everything you said to do will the game crash. Conor August 16, Reply. Maladus July 28, Reply. Maladus July 26, Reply. Makenzie July 23, Reply. Hi Eddie, I have uploaded an alternative download option for you and updated the post.

John Parker July 21, Reply. Olivia, You are a saint, thank you for posting this it has been extremely helpful! Guada July 11, Reply. Yusuf Miller June 24, Reply. Thanks you helped a random user out.

A quick, easy and efficacious fix for me! Jacob June 24, Reply. Anthony June 17, Reply. Hi jacob, I have provided alternative download links for you in the post.

Cube June 15, Reply. Hi Cube, I have provided alternative download links for you in the post. Jamie June 4, Reply. Tyler May 28, Reply. Liam Boulton May 14, Reply. Duncan April 7, Reply. Jake April 4, Reply. Haq March 4, Reply. Jenine February 26, Reply. Lisa February 15, Reply. Hi it is still asking for administrative privellages after doing all of this. Idk what to do. Chelsea January 23, Reply. Nate Dog January 19, Reply. Deathly Lemon January 6, Reply. Apex December 17, Reply. Michael December 15, Reply.

Jeebus December 6, Reply. Mebiusu November 25, Reply. James November 12, Reply. Hi, so the anti piracy drm made it impossible to progress in a few ways in the game if u would use a cracked version. Well, it works. Finished the game, no bugs except an error during installation of a missing file, just click IGNORE and keep installing. Works great. Anyone got a fix for children not growing up yet?

I installed the deviance cracked game about a year ago and it worked fine. Tried running the same install recently and the kids aren't growing again. Reinstalled the deviance copy several times, used the cracked "white" exe file and still, no grownups. So if anyone has one that works or can help out, shoot me a message please at seerofvisions75 gmail.

This was their way of saying fuck you to people who wanted to pirate their masterpiece. Bobert 2 points. Same issue with children not growing up.

Look forward to a fix or different version. Sjamie 1 point. It's an HP laptop with no real high specs so I don't really understand what's happening. I tried to run compatibility mode, but even that didn't help any at all.

Could someone help me, please? ADP 3 points. Any fixes for that yet? Just DO IT 2 points. Potato 1 point. I was wondering if anyone else was having problems with crashes after the first official island? Also, having previous save issues that always crash the game when i try and continue. And the children do not grow up as well. Peri 13 points. Friend 1 point. Guys this does work without any problem just follow the installation instructions given by emmadeep God bless u????

Boltercrazy 22 points. Is anyone else having issues with you children population not growing up and being stuck with a really low adult population? Hope2Help 1 point. Then go to the run setup step. If it gives an error about speech. L33TN33D 0 point. For users using 64 bit OS, recommended to format your system in bit NTFS before installing your bit OS, to keep compatibility error reports of so and so is corrupted, etc.

Whenever I attempt to install patch 1. InkyMoon 23 points. I'm getting a corrupted version of this download, anyone else having the same problem? So, I would like you to help me because I like a lot of games childhood games so it's very nice to have help please. Skotty 4 points. Berten -1 point. The crack. I'm not sure if I am allowed to post links here so just search gamecopyworld black and white 2.

Hope this helps! Rickety Cricket 2 points. Apoc 2 points. It says 2hrs left. Ortega 4 points. Hello guys, please, my citizens are not ageing! Please help!!! EmmaDeeb points. How to install this: Download the ISO file to a new folder. Using WinRar or other unpacking program Create a folder where you want to install the game. Run "Setup. I will provide serial keys below. Pick your installation folder that you created earlier, and install the game.

Once the installation is complete, go ahead and download the patches, v1. I named it Patch 1. Run patch v1. Go back in your new folder with the ISO files. Cope the "white. It will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing one - Pick yes.

Run game as admin via the new "white. Happy installing! H2O 0 point. I recently downloaded this and have been playing it after finding work arounds with the exe file as mentioned in another comment.

However, upon going to the 5th land 2nd Japanese land the game crashes. No message pops up, the game just closes.

I've tried redownloading to no avail. MattC 2 points. Anyone else having issues running the older game in their Win10 client should download RetroArch, install and update all of the cores, and run the game from an emulator running an older version of Windows.

I'm getting really bad texture flickering and pop-in running a windows 7. Any fix for that? Stavros 0 point. The file is too big, thus people with slower connections may have trouble completing the download.

Andrew K 1 point. Jake 1 point. Hey, I'm also having some problems, i've put the No CD crack, both the updates, installed them, but when I click on "White" to play or use the Auto run, it just pops up for a second and just vanishes INator 0 point.

I've googled around a lot but I can't find anything that works for me to get it to play on Windows Anyone have any help for this? I tried using the Auto run, it pulls up the old startup menu, tried clicking install and nothing happens there. Gooooogle -4 points. Thank you for uploading 2. All download links are valid and able to play smoothly on my window 7 3.

Just googled for 2 hours and all problems are solved 4. One extra item has to be downloaded from other site and replace the old 'white' file 5. Happy googling. Inator -2 points. Nevermind, after waiting for It's not just a download? Inator 2 points.

Alfa 5 points. I finally got the game to download but it is lagging a lot and running really slow. Any suggestions? Hello, i just installed the game but when i click to run the game nothing happens help plz? KeyMaster 0 point. Me -1 point. Diddy, It's an ISO. You burn it to a DVD; not unzip it. Alpha and Magma, Google is your friend. Just search "Black and white 2 serial". Magma 2 points.

I have the "code" proplem too. I hope you can help me. Great day Magma. Alfa 3 points. Guys whats the code that you need to play this game?

I wrote bc of the filesize edit: checking the file with 7zip instead of windows commander resulted in 'no error' But still strange feeling if the iso could be 'enhanced' with trojans or the like :. The file size should be 2GB, but the download is about 3.

Have used firefox Any solution? Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like.

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.


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